When planning your wedding, you can sometimes feel unsure about how much food you really need for the evening. We’ve put together some top tips to help make things easier for you:

How many guests should we cater for?

We recommend catering for 80% of your guests attending all day and 100% of additional evening guests. However, we do suggest that with individual items (i.e. toasties, bap’s) you allow for one person.

How many options should we offer our guests?

One option is more than enough. We find if you offer more options then there is a lot of waste as you would need to ‘over order’ on each option to make sure your guests are not left disappointed. We will always provide a vegetarian/vegan alternative for those guests that require it.

What is the most popular option?

We find that options such as fish & chip buckets, hot bacon baps, toasties and pizzas are super popular. Couples have moved away from the traditional buffet and are opting for food that can be served directly to their guests, circulated on trays. This means more time dancing, less time queuing.

What time should evening food be served?

We recommend food be served around 1-1.5 hours after your evening guests have arrived between approx.  8.30pm-9.00pm works well. This means your daytime guests will be starting to get peckish and your evening guests have worked up an appetite throwing some shapes on the dance floor.

How long will the food be served for?

We serve evening food for a maximum of 1 hour, depending on how quickly your guests devour it.