Pardon the cliché but time really does fly when you are having fun, we cannot believe this year we celebrate 20 years in business. Things have moved on a bit from the early days when food was prepared in a tiny home kitchen and then delivered to our events in a trusty, but slightly tired, Renault Kangoo van. We now operate from 2 industrial units, have 3 branded company vehicles and a team of passionate employees, Lemons as we like to call them.

Not always one for convention, our director Natasha has made sure it was an interesting journey, we have worked with Formula 1, Moto GP and P1 Powerboats, operated a coffee shop in the centre of oxford, provided canapes for a well know high street frozen food company and even made mash potato for a London start up fast food chain. Plus an economic crash, Brexit and an annoying virus called Corona thrown into the mix.

To mark this occasion, we have had a brand re-fresh which included an updated logo and website by the amazingly creative team at Websir. This is actually the first news article to be published on our new site which we hope you like. We would like to take the opportunity to thank all the customers who have supported us in reaching this milestone and now it’s time to embrace our third decade and see what new challenges lie ahead. Hopefully that does not involve more mashed potato.